Comparative Evaluation of Dairy Performance and Thermoregulatory Traits of Two Exotic Breeds of Cattle in the Hot Humid Climate of Adamawa, Nigeria

Japheth Joel Kalang *

Department of Veterinary Medicine, Surgery and Radiology, University of Jos, Jos, Nigeria.

Jacob Akor Oko

Department of Veterinary Physiology, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.

Francis Elisha Sa’ayinzat

Department of Theriogenology and Production, University of Jos, Nigeria.

Eferoma Ujiro Okuda

Department of Animal Science, Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria.

Christopher Edward Dung

Department of Veterinary Physiology, Pharmacology and Biochemistry, University of Jos, Nigeria.

Ibrahim Onotu Suleiman

Department of Animal Science, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria.

Stanley David Oziegbe

Department of Theriogenology and Production, University of Jos, Nigeria.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The dynamics of heat stress has been a major challenge limiting cattle productivity in Nigeria. The overall objective of this study was to evaluate the dairy performance and thermoregulatory of two exotic cattle in hot tropical conditions of Adamawa State.  Milk production traits measured were 305 day fat corrected milk yield, daily milk yield, total fat yield, total protein yield while thermoregulatory traits measured were rectal temperature, respiratory rate and skin temperature. All descriptive statistical analyses (Mean, coefficient of variation and standard error of mean) and T-test were done using R commander (2016) Software. Mean separation was done using least significant difference procedure. Milk production and efficiency traits were greatly influenced (P<0.01) by the genotypes of cows in Adamawa State, with the exception of 305FCM per cows per day protein yield, lactation length, net energy efficiency and dairy merits. Brown-Swiss had significant (P < 0.05) higher respiratory rate than Jersey cows.  It is evident that considerable variation exists in milk production and thermoregulatory traits of the two exotic cows.

Keywords: Dairy performance, cattle, veterinary medicine

How to Cite

Kalang, Japheth Joel, Jacob Akor Oko, Francis Elisha Sa’ayinzat, Eferoma Ujiro Okuda, Christopher Edward Dung, Ibrahim Onotu Suleiman, and Stanley David Oziegbe. 2022. “Comparative Evaluation of Dairy Performance and Thermoregulatory Traits of Two Exotic Breeds of Cattle in the Hot Humid Climate of Adamawa, Nigeria”. Asian Journal of Research in Animal and Veterinary Sciences 5 (4):306-10.


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