Flushing Ration Effect on the Breeding and Sexual Behaviors in Markhoz Goat (Iranian Angora)

Farzad Moradpour *

Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture - Kifri, Garmian University, Kalar, As Sulaymaniyah, KRG of Iraq

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


The objective of the present study was to investigate the productivity of utilizing barley as a Flushing ration with an energizing source and soybean meal-based diets as a Flushing ration with a protein source the breeding and sexual behaviors in Markhoz Goat. In this study, 42 three and half-year old goat (48±1.5 Kg) with the record of giving birth to two kids and 5 three-year old (87±2.4 Kg) rams were used. The goats were divided into three treatment groups of A (i.e., the receivers of Barley seeds), B (i.e., the receivers of soybean meal-based diets), and a control group of C with 14 goats in each group. In addition, three kids were utilized randomly in each group. The goat received the Flushing ration three weeks before and three weeks after sexual intercourse. Therefore, group A goats were fed 600 grams of Barley seeds and group B goats were fed 600 grams of soybean. The results showed that the goats in the treatment group showed sexual receptivity behavior earlier than the control group goats; anyway, the difference between these groups was not significant. In addition, the receptivity power (i.e., the number of successful jumping permission) and the amount of estrogen, calcium, as well as magnesium levels were not significantly different at pro-estrus and estrus stages. However, the amount of serum phosphorous and the new-born kid’s weight were reported to be significant (p < .05) in the treatment groups. The present study showed that Flushing ration along with both energizing and protein sources improve the livestock’s health and sexual behavior, and also such supplements have a positive influence on breeding rate and on the weight of kids.

Keywords: Flushing, reproductive breeding, sexual behaviors, Markhoz goat

How to Cite

Moradpour, Farzad. 2018. “Flushing Ration Effect on the Breeding and Sexual Behaviors in Markhoz Goat (Iranian Angora)”. Asian Journal of Research in Animal and Veterinary Sciences 1 (3):174-79. https://doi.org/10.9734/AJRAVS/2018/42786.